Why subscribe to the NYSTAA Listserv?
The NYSTAA Listserv is an open listserv housed at Syracuse University. It is a wonderful forum for professional discussion and the exchange of ideas. The Listserv includes messages to the general membership, conversations about transfer issues, universal questions about campus majors and programs, the advertisement of Transfer Days, and campus programming, among other information.
To subscribe to the NYSTAA Listserv:
Send a new message to the following address: listserv@listserv.syr.edu
In the body of the e-mail type in:
Sub NYSTAA (Your Full Name).
For example: Sub NYSTAA John Smith
Once you have sent this, your membership should be confirmed electronically. Once you are subscribed, to send messages to the group, the mailing address is: NYSTAA@listserv.syr.edu
To unsubscribe to the NYSTAA Listserv:
Send an e-mail to this address: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU.
In the subject line and in the body of the e-mail indicate SIGNOFF NYSTAA.