NYSTAA Professional Development Grants (PDG)
Grant Application Forms and Instructions
All grant applicants must have a current NYSTAA membership and create a NYSTAA user profile. Grant applications for the conference can be found in the Member Area of the NYSTAA website, under the left hand link “Grants.”
2025 PDG Deadline – Monday, April 7, 2025
Please e-mail your nomination to one of the Awards Committee Co-Chairs:
– Rebecca Mack, Monroe Community College: rmack@monroecc.edu
– Cathy Anderson, Le Moyne College: anderscr@lemoyne.edu
NYSTAA Professional Development Grants
The purpose of the Professional Development Grant (PDG) is to allow NYSTAA members the opportunity to attend the annual NYSTAA conference when funding is not available from their institution. The NYSTAA Executive Board will determine the number of Professional Development Grants to be awarded each year. Due to the continuing budget issues affecting our Community College members, the Board has committed that half of the grants will be awarded to members from Community Colleges.
The NYSTAA Awards Committee will review the applications and award recipients from the Professional Development Grant categories. It is the Awards Committee’s responsibility to promote the Professional Development Grants (PDG) to the NYSTAA membership, develop criteria for the evaluation and selection of awardees and then monitor that the previous year recipients have fulfilled their commitment to NYSTAA within one year of receipt of the grant.
The NYSTAA Awards Committee meets annually in early spring to select recipients in the following Professional Development Grant (PDG) categories:
Peter Lindsay Memorial Professional Development Grant
(for members with more than three years of NYSTAA involvement)
Established in memory of Peter “Pete” Lindsay, former Associate Director of Undergraduate Recruitment and Coordinator of Transfer & Articulation Programs at Niagara University. For more than 21 years, Pete did what he loved: provided counseling and assistance to students who were seeking higher education. Pete’s zeal and professionalism for the various positions he held and his dedication to the students he served were not only consistent with the mission of NYSTAA but with the way he tackled life itself. Pete will also be remembered as one of the founding members of NYSTAA.
Meg Pearson Memorial Professional Development Grant
(for members with fewer than three years of NYSTAA involvement)
Established in memory of Margaret “Meg” Pearson, former Director of Transfer & Articulation at SUNY Cobleskill. For over 25 years as a transfer counselor, Meg assisted young men & women to achieve their goals. She will be remembered by those who worked with her as an outgoing professional woman with a beautiful heart and a warm smile. Meg’s enthusiasm for life and her love of people was apparent each and every day. Meg served as President of the SUNY Transfer Counselors Association and was a charter member of NYSTAA.
Eligibility requirements for the Professional Development Grants:
1) Be a paid member of NYSTAA;
2) Provide a letter of support for your attendance at the conference from your Director or Vice-President stating that your institution is unable to pay for your attendance due to budget constraints;
3) Demonstrated involvement in the NYSTAA organization;
4) Commitment to “give back” to the NYSTAA organization through a conference workshop presentation or involvement in a NYSTAA Committee/leadership position within one year of receiving the award.
5) Submit the Professional Development Grant Application (found in the Members Area of the website) and letter of support by the deadline.
Please note that preference is given to applicants and institutions who have not been a granted an award in the past five years.
The dollar value of the Professional Development Grants will be the equivalent of the conference registration fees and double-room rate to attend the annual NYSTAA Conference. If a single room is selected, the grant recipient is responsible for the cost difference between a single and double room conference registration package.